NOTE: Due to the changes made to Twitter’s “Verification” system shortly after Elon Musk’s purchase, we no longer need to speculate about the topic. Check out our post addressing the changes in the link here!
As chosen by the BCU Community on Telegram, our first edition of “Verified Watch” features prominent Trump “Reply Guy” Jeff Tiedrich, who many believe is long overdue for that Blue Checkmark. While we don’t know or particularly care about the specifics of Jeffrey and how he got to where he is today, we do care about his activity on Twitter dot com. As with each “Verified Watch” entry, we will try to focus exclusively on this as well.
Introducing Jeff Tiedrich

If the name “Jeff Tiedrich” doesn’t ring a bell to you, then you are fine, as NOBODY beyond the realm of Twitter dot com knows who he is. If you are a Twitter user and/or are aware of Jeff’s habits, then you probably know him exclusively by his profile picture, which would appear near the top of every single Trump reply section along with a snarky comment. While Jeffrey wasn’t the first Trump “reply guy”, he was definitely among the most notable. A quick look at Jeffrey’s profile can really tell you a lot about him in a short amount of time too.

Quite honestly, with many of the Blue Checks and Blue Check candidates, the profile and header will tell you A LOT. Jeffrey is no exception to this, despite being relatively candid:

Simply put, Jeffrey is a staunch anti-Trump guy who toes the line between being “moderate” and “progressive”, choosing whichever is most advantageous for him in a given situation. While he hasn’t shined nearly as much as we thought he would in the post-Trump-Suspension Era, Jeffrey occasionally has tweets that you will stumble upon for one reason or another. As if being a top-tier “reply guy” wasn’t enough, Jeffrey is also renowned for being the “Sir this is a Wendy’s” Guy, as evidenced below:

Jeff Tiedrich’s “Verified Watch” Scores

Comments and Notes:
Were we a bit generous with Jeffrey because it was the first one? Somewhat, as one can argue that his scores for “Intelligence” could’ve been lower due to his tendency to talk mainly politics. But at the end of the day, the work Jeffrey put in from 2018-2021 towards his craft is something we may never see again in Twitter history. The wisdom and knowledge he shared then makes up for the lack of it we see today, while also preventing his “Tolerance” from dropping any further.
A score of 4.8/5 is not only a very high score, it also indicates that Jeffrey is HIGHLY LIKELY to receive a Blue Checkmark sometime SOON. And when he FINALLY does receive that checkmark, at least you know you read it here first.
What do YOU think should be Jeffrey’s scores for each category? Using the stars below, we want you to give your honest assessment of his Blue Check candidacy. If you need to refer to the Rules and Regulations to familiarize yourself with each “Pillar”, just follow this link. Also note that the ranking below each category is the user average, which will reflect your submission upon page refresh.
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