Welcome to Blue Check University!
The (un) OFFICIAL HOME of the Blue Checkmark

Twitter (or X) Ratio Rankings
See which tweets have received the worst ‘ratio’ in Twitter/X history!

Community Notes Gallery
A gallery of over 300+ tweets that have been “Community Noted”, that are easily usable for memes, videos, etc.
Blank Meme, Graphic, Other
Blue Check Templates
A collection of Blue Check themed meme templates, graphics, and other easy-to-edit images!

Headline Gallery
A random collection of news headline screenshots that are either noteworthy, nostalgic, funny, insane, sad, or anything in between!
Blue Check Templates
The place to find hundreds of blank meme templates and anything else related to blue checks! Feel free to use ANYTHING you see.
Blue Check Trading Cards
A gallery of our FAKE Blue Check "trading cards" that are a parody of the popular collectible items. (NOTE: not actually in production).
Blue Check Tweet Gallery
A collection of thousands of unorganized and random screenshots of tweets from blue checks on Twitter dot com.
Blue Check Glossary
A resource that seeks to define Twitter and 'Blue Check' Phrases in an unbiased manner. Submissions are always appreciated.

Blank Meme Templates
The place to find dozens of random and BLANK templates for your meme-making convenience.

Random Meme Character Gallery
Looking for a transparent image of a particular 'meme' character that wasn't in our others? Then check out the General Meme Character Gallery today, which definitely has what you're looking for.

YES Chad Meme Gallery
The place to find dozens of transparent, high quality images of the 'YES' Chad meme for easy meme-making!